Code: 241. DB::Exception: Memory limit (total) exceeded: would use 3.37 GiB (attempt to allocate chunk of 4222942 bytes)
maximum: 3.37 GiB. OvercommitTracker decision: Query was selected to stop by OvercommitTracker.: (while reading column bike_id): (while reading from part /var/lib/clickhouse/store/396/396debb0-4959-4de3-903d-9b383d8fde6a/all_194_213_2/ in table gbfs.historical_free_bike_status_log (396debb0-4959-4de3-903d-9b383d8fde6a) located on disk default of type local
from mark 157 with max_rows_to_read = 8192): While executing MergeTreeSelect(pool: ReadPool
algorithm: Thread). (MEMORY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED) (version (official build))