145 datasets found

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  • Bicycle/Pedestrian Counter Locations DLR

    Cycle/pedestrian counter locations within the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown administrative area. These files contain data relating to the location of sixteen counters. Additional information includes type of traffic recorded (cyclists/pedestrians), start date, direction recorded and...
  • Telecoms Underground Infrastructure DCC

    Dataset includes: • Citywide underground telecoms ducting in the ownership of Dublin City Council excl. dedicated traffic ducting • Docklands underground telecoms ducting in the ownership of Dublin City Council • Docklands telecoms chambers in the ownership of Dublin...
  • Road Collisions DCC

    Mapped collisions statistics from the Road Safety Authority. Link: https://www.rsa.ie/road-safety/statistics/collisions#
  • Journey times across Dublin City, from Traffic Department's TRIPS system DCC

    Journey times Journey times across Dublin City, from DCC's TRIPS system, in csv format.''Journey times are supplied on a number of routes across the city (trips.csv). Each route consists of a number of links, each link is a pair of georeferenced Traffic Control Sites...
  • Dublin Bus GPS sample data (Insight Project) from DCC

    Bus GPS Data Dublin Bus GPS data across Dublin City, from Dublin City Council'traffic control, in csv format. Each datapoint (row in the CSV file) has the following entries:''Timestamp micro since 1970 01 01 00:00:00 GMT'Line ID'Direction'Journey Pattern ID'Time Frame (The...
  • Multistorey Car Parking Space Availability DCC

    Multi storey Car Parking Space Availability. Dublin City Council's 'Live Parking Spaces' service gathers information from car parks around Dublin to show users parking space availability in key car parks in the central Dublin area. Updated every 5 mins.
  • Volume Data Jan- May 2013 for Dublin City, from Traffic Department's SCATS System DCC

    Volume data across Dublin City, from DCC s SCATS system, in csv format. The volume data is aggregated over 5 minute intervals for each approach into an instrumented intersection. There are separate files for each region (CCITY, SCITY, NCITY, WCITY) and for each day. See...
  • Modes of Travel in DCC

    Modes of Travel in Dublin Region, Census 2006 and 2011
  • Volume Data Jan - April 2012 for Dublin City, from Traffic Department's SCATS System 1st Jan to 3...

    Traffic volume data Volume data across Dublin City, from DCC's SCATS system, in csv format. ''The volume data is aggregated over 5 minute intervals for each approach into an instrumented intersection. There are separate files for each region (CCITY, SCITY, NCITY, WCITY1) and...
  • Strategic Cycle Network DCC

    Cycle Network This dataset contains a spatial map of the network of existing strategic cycle routes in Dublin City. Strategic Routes are shown in red and labelled: Contarf, Malahide, Swords, Ballymun, Finglas, Blanchardstown, Lucan, Clonalkin, Rathfarnham, Tallaght, Ranelagh,...
  • GDA Cycle Network Survey 2013

    Greater Dublin Area Cycle Network Survey 2013. In 2013, the NTA published the Greater Dublin Area Cycle Network Plan, consisting of the Urban Network, Inter-Urban Network and Green Route Network for each of the seven Local Authority areas comprising the Greater Dublin Area...
  • Taxi Ranks DCC

    Taxi stands located within the Dublin City Council administrative area, per the Street Service Vehicles (Taxi) Bye-Laws 2015 which came into effect November 2015. The files contain information including descriptive locations, the number of spaces available per stand, the...
  • Greater Dublin Area Cycle Infrastructure

    This dataset contains cycle infrastructure in the Greater Dublin Area (GDA). Data stems from work undertaken on behalf of the NTA to: re-categorise the 2013 street survey with infrastructure types: segregated cycle track, bus lane with cycle lane, etc. include links...
  • Traffic Flow Data Jan to June 2021 SDCC

    SDCC Traffic Congestion Saturation Flow Data for January to June 2021. Traffic volumes, traffic saturation, and congestion data for sites across South Dublin County. Used by traffic management to control stage timings on junctions. It is recommended that this dataset is read...
  • Accessible Parking Spaces DLR

    Location of accessible car parking spaces on roads and streets within the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council administrative area. Fields include index, ITM coordinates, street name, description and signage/road marking information. Please note that changes and upgrades...
  • Suspension of Parking Bays in DCC

    Suspension of on-street Parking Bays to facilitate events, road works, skips, construction works On-street parking bays can be suspended on application to the Roads and Streets Division within the City Council to facilitate a range of activities. A fee is applied. The fields...
  • Variable Message Signs DCC

    Location of 31 Variable Message Signs (VMS) within Dublin City Council administrative area.  This dataset contains information about VMS Equipment Id, Location Name, Latitude and Longitude.
  • National Waste Management (Hazardous and Transfrontier) Licensed Companies DCC

    Waste Regulation Management The National Transfrontier Waste Shipment Office in Dublin City Council is the single point of contact for national waste imports and exports, including the administration and enforcement of environmental regulations. This data is extracted from...
  • Parking Tag Information DLR

    Parking Information. A description of the parking locations in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council's Administrative Area and the associated 'Parkingtag' reference codes. Fields include street name, area, tariffs, restricted areas, hpurs/days of operation, credit/debit and...
  • Traffic Volumes- City Centre Bridges Count Data 2007-2010 DCC

    Annual Traffic counts and turning data for all modes of transport at 26 locations in the city centre This dataset contains the results of the annual traffic counts conducted during the month of May each year, at twenty-six locations were selected along the Liffey Bridges...
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