3 datasets found

Formats: CSV Tags: Waste Management

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  • FEATURED Litter Fines 2020 2023 DCC

    Illegal dumping is an offence under the Litter Pollution Acts 1997 as amended. These statistics contain the details of Litter Fines issued in Dublin City Council from 2020 - 2023 inclusive with full year figures. The fines were issued as a result of illegal dumping...
  • Recycling Centres in DLR

    Contains the location and website of recycling centres within Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown
  • Solar Bins FCC

    The Large Capacity Solar Bins have been rolled out by Fingal County Council, to keep waste enclosed and it keeps the chances of littering from bins waste been pulled out as it is all fully enclosed, this also helps the Environment as cuts down on attracting vermin to bins....
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