FEATURED Enterprise Centres DCC
This dataset provides annual updates on Local Enterprise Centres in Dublin region; Enterprise Hub, Primary Function, Primary Sector, Website, Gen Email (Public), LA Area, Area, Address, Eircode, Latitude and Longitude. -
Community Facilities within Parks FCC
Community Facilities within Parks Listing on Map within Fingal County Council -
Libraries FCC
This contains the details of all public Libraries in Fingal County Council with mapping and listing. 2024 Visits to our Libraries topped 1 million Mark.Footfall in Libraries increased by 7% on 2023 with the public making 1,014,852 visits to our Library Branches and Local... -
Enterprise Centers FCC
Location of Fingal Enterprise Centre's (Innovation Centre's) including contact information. Fingal County Council supports start-up businesses at it's Enterprise Centre's. The Centre’s provide: Enterprise units for new and existing businessesCustomised training... -
Historical Graveyards FCC
Historical Burial Grounds as per the Development Plan 2017-2023 within Fingal County Council with information and mapping for information purposes. -
Arts and Theatre Centers FCC
This data set contains the Location of Arts Center's known to Fingal County Council. Includes Theatres/Local Theatres and Arts Centre's, with email address and Eircode and Latitude and Longitude -
Public Art FCC
A list of public artworks within the Fingal County Council administrative area. Artworks include Sculptures and Murals and details of artist and mapping of locations of installations. -
Arts Venues DLR
Arts venues within the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council administrative area. Data provided by Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council in 2016. GeoJSON, csv and shapefile datasets are provided. Fields include: name. longitude, latitude and ITM coordinates.