Heritage Venues Locations FCC
Heritage Venues within Fingal County Council on an interactive map -
Newbridge House Visitors FCC
This data set shows the shows the details of then number of paying Visitors to Newbridge Farm and booked rooms for parties, special occasions and it includes payed house tour visitors. Newbridge House is a Georgian Villa built to the design of James Gibbs in 1747 for the... -
Ardgillan Demesne Traffic Data 2018-2023 FCC
Data on Traffic Volume entering to Ardgillan Demesne - 2018 to 2023 - see new 2024 onward data setArdgillan park is unique among Dublin’s regional parks for the magnificent views it enjoys of the coastline. A panorama, taking in Rockabill Lighthouse, Colt Church, Shenick and... -
Skerries Mill Footfall Visitors FCC
When you arrive at the Five Sail mill and iconic landmark offering you a panoramic view of the island off Dublin and the coastline as far as the Mourne Mountains. Step inside to appreciate the output of this monument to human engineering, which creates more than an impressive... -
Public Art FCC
A list of public artworks within the Fingal County Council administrative area. Artworks include Sculptures and Murals and details of artist and mapping of locations of installations. -
Sites of Geological Interest South Dublin County Development Plan 2022 to 2028 SDCC
Geological heritage or ‘geoheritage’is the term used to describe sites or places with features of geology that have important scientific, educational, cultural, or visual value. There are many types of sites. They are made from past and present geological processes (wearing... -
Trees FCC
Tree within Fingal County Council.This contains road name and location of trees maybe as per a house etc.Disclaimer“Please Note that the locations are estimates of location ‘actual location of trees’ rather than individual tree. e.g. maybe at a house and the point is pointing... -
Architectural Conservation Boundaries FCC
Listing of Architectural Conservation Areas within Fingal County Council Administrative Area -
DLR WW1 Hospitals
Hospitals used during the First World War in DLR. The data is provided in shp.zip format and in ITM projection.