FEATURED Garda Station DCC
This dataset contains the locations of Garda Station within Dublin Metropolitan Region; encompassing columns such as Station, Address, Phone, Website, Latitude & Longitude. -
FEATURED Fire Stations DCC
This dataset provides annual updates on Fire Station in Dublin region; encompassing columns such as Station ID, Station Name, Address1, Address2, Address3, Address4 , Address5, Latitude & Longitude, Email, Phone, Website. -
FEATURED Skateboard Parks DCC
This dataset provides annual updates on Skateboard parks in Dublin region; encompassing columns such as Tile, Description, Address1 and Address2, NACE Code, Latitude & Longitude, DccAreaNew, CensusSmallArea, ElectoralDivision The dataset was counted as part of the Dublin... -
FEATURED Theatres Arts Centres Performance Spaces DCC
This dataset provides annual updates on Theatres Arts Centres Performance Spaces in Dublin region; encompassing columns such as Tile, Description, Address1 and Address2, NACE Code, Latitude & Longitude, DccAreaNew, CensusSmallArea, Electoral Division. The dataset was... -
FEATURED Sport pitches and Facilities DCC
This dataset provides annual updates on Sport pitches and Facilities in Dublin region; encompassing columns such as Tile, Description, Address1 and Address2, NACE Code, Latitude & Longitude, DccAreaNew, CensusSmallArea, Electoral Division. The dataset was counted as part... -
FEATURED Parks, Gardens and Public Spaces DCC
This dataset provides annual updates on Parks, Gardens and Public Spaces in Dublin region; encompassing columns such as Tile, Description, Address1 and Address2, NACE Code, Latitude & Longitude, DccAreaNew, CensusSmallArea, Electoral Division. The dataset was counted as... -
FEATURED Heritage Sites, Historic Monuments and Government Buildings DCC
This dataset provides annual updates on Heritage Sites, Historic Monuments and Government Buildings in Dublin region; encompassing columns such as Tile, Description, Address1 and Address2, NACE Code, Latitude & Longitude, DccAreaNew, CensusSmallArea, Electoral Division.... -
FEATURED Museums and Archives DCC
This dataset provides annual updates on Museums and Archives in Dublin region; encompassing columns such as Tile, Description, Address1 and Address2, NACE Code, Latitude & Longitude, DccAreaNew, CensusSmallArea, Electoral Division. The dataset was counted as part of the... -
FEATURED Galleries, Exhibition Spaces, Open Studios DCC
This dataset provides annual updates on Galleries, Exhibition Spaces, Open Studios in Dublin region; encompassing columns such as Tile, Description, Address1 and Address2, NACE Code, Latitude & Longitude, DccAreaNew, CensusSmallArea, Electoral Division. The dataset was... -
Community Facilities DLR
Location of all community facilities in the DLR area, including community centres, cultural and heritage facilities, and libraries. -
Main Parks DLR
Location of the main parks in the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council administrative area. Parks within the dataset are classified as Regional, District or Local. Location and classification based on dlr Green Infrastructure Strategy. Please note, this dataset does not... -
Access Points to Main Parks DLR
Point feature class outlining the locations of Access Points to the main parks within the Dún-Laoghaire-Rathdown administrative area. Published April 2020 (Updated: Feb 2022). Please note, this dataset does not represent all local parks and open spaces within Dún... -
MUGAs (Multi Use Games Areas) managed by DLR. The file contains the locations of fourteen MUGAs. Additional information includes associated sport and ITM coordinates. Information is indicative only and may be subject to update. -
Parks and Open Spaces DCC
Parks and recreation/ amenity spaces in the Dublin City Council administrative area. Dataset stems from a 2016 mapping exercise for the Dublin City Council Parks Strategy and has not been updated since. Data includes name of park/ open space, category, location, size and... -
CoCo Markets DLR
County Council markets in operation within the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council administrative area. Markets are open in Marlay Park on Saturday (10am - 4pm) and Sunday (11am - 4pm) and in Dún Laoghaire on Sunday from 11am - 4pm. The markets take place every weekend... -
Libraries DLR
A list of libraries within the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council administrative area. The dataset includes the location, address, email and phone number for each library. Available in .csv, GeoJSON and Shapefile. -
Pobal HP Deprivation Index
Pobal HP Deprivation Index at Electoral Districts (ED) level. This index data is calculated as the ED level aggregates from the 2006 and 2011 Census Small Area (SA) level data, which is available from http://maps.pobal.ie/ . The index is based on the combination of three...