FEATURED Litter Fines 2020 2023 DCC
Illegal dumping is an offence under the Litter Pollution Acts 1997 as amended. These statistics contain the details of Litter Fines issued in Dublin City Council from 2020 - 2023 inclusive with full year figures. The fines were issued as a result of illegal dumping... -
Display Energy Certs 2023 SDCC
Annual South Dublin Display Energy Certs YEAR for all Council buildings over 250 m2 which are regularly visited by the public. -
Display Energy Certs 2022 SDCC
Annual South Dublin Display Energy Certs 2022 for all Council buildings over 250 m2 which are regularly visited by the public. -
Monthly River Quality Data SDCC
This data represents water quality of a selection of river and stream sites in South Dublin County. The samples are collected at a monthly frequency and are collected by South Dublin County Council staff and analysed by Dublin City Council’s accredited laboratory on Marrowbone...