Parking Meters location tariffs and zones in DCC
Transport and Infrasutcture Parking meters for Dublin City. Includes location, code, No of spaces per street (PD-Pay and Display D Disc Parking), exact location, data install, tariff (cost per hour), nearest location of pay and display, clearway, if clearway conditions in... -
Vehicular Fleet DCC
Dublin City Council Fleet Management This dataset shows an annual breakdown of Dublin City Council's vehicular fleet by vehicle class and Department/Division for 2011 to 2014. Datasets are updated in January for the coming year. Dataset updated with data for 2022 broken down... -
Journey times across Dublin City, from Traffic Department's TRIPS system DCC
Journey times Journey times across Dublin City, from DCC's TRIPS system, in csv format.''Journey times are supplied on a number of routes across the city (trips.csv). Each route consists of a number of links, each link is a pair of georeferenced Traffic Control Sites... -
Dublin Bus GPS sample data (Insight Project) from DCC
Bus GPS Data Dublin Bus GPS data across Dublin City, from Dublin City Council'traffic control, in csv format. Each datapoint (row in the CSV file) has the following entries:''Timestamp micro since 1970 01 01 00:00:00 GMT'Line ID'Direction'Journey Pattern ID'Time Frame (The... -
Multistorey Car Parking Space Availability DCC
Multi storey Car Parking Space Availability. Dublin City Council's 'Live Parking Spaces' service gathers information from car parks around Dublin to show users parking space availability in key car parks in the central Dublin area. Updated every 5 mins. -
Volume Data Jan - April 2012 for Dublin City, from Traffic Department's SCATS System 1st Jan to 3...
Traffic volume data Volume data across Dublin City, from DCC's SCATS system, in csv format. ''The volume data is aggregated over 5 minute intervals for each approach into an instrumented intersection. There are separate files for each region (CCITY, SCITY, NCITY, WCITY1) and... -
Strategic Cycle Network DCC
Cycle Network This dataset contains a spatial map of the network of existing strategic cycle routes in Dublin City. Strategic Routes are shown in red and labelled: Contarf, Malahide, Swords, Ballymun, Finglas, Blanchardstown, Lucan, Clonalkin, Rathfarnham, Tallaght, Ranelagh,...