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Last updated January 14, 2025
Created unknown
Format CSV
License Creative Commons Attribution
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Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
unsafe_ text Dublin Employment ('000) - Construction (F)
dublin_employment___000____construction__f_ numeric Dublin Employment ('000) - Construction (F)
dublin_employment___000____wholesale_and_retail_trade__repai numeric Dublin Employment ('000) - Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (G)
dublin_employment___000____transportation_and_storage__h_ numeric Dublin Employment ('000) - Transportation and storage (H)
dublin_employment___000____accommodation_and_food_service_ac numeric Dublin Employment ('000) - Accommodation and food service activities (I)
unsafe__2 text Dublin Employment ('000) - Information and communication (J)
dublin_employment___000____information_and_communication__j_ numeric Dublin Employment ('000) - Information and communication (J)
dublin_employment___000____professional__scientific_and_tech numeric Dublin Employment ('000) - Professional, scientific and technical activities (M)
dublin_employment___000____administrative_and_support_servic numeric Dublin Employment ('000) - Administrative and support service activities (N)
dublin_employment___000____public_administration_and_defence numeric Dublin Employment ('000) - Public administration and defence, compulsory social security (O)
dublin_employment___000____education__p_ numeric Dublin Employment ('000) - Education (P)
dublin_employment___000____human_health_and_social_work_acti numeric Dublin Employment ('000) - Human health and social work activities (Q)
dublin_employment___000____industry__b_to_e_ numeric Dublin Employment ('000) - Industry (B to E)
dublin_employment___000____industry_and_construction__b_to_f numeric Dublin Employment ('000) - Industry and Construction (B to F)
dublin_employment___000____services__g_to_u_ numeric Dublin Employment ('000) - Services (G to U)
dublin_employment___000____financial__insurance_and_real_est numeric Dublin Employment ('000) - Financial, insurance and real estate activities (K,L)
dublin_employment___000____other_nace_activities__r_to_u_ numeric Dublin Employment ('000) - Other NACE activities (R to U)
dublin_employment___000____not_stated numeric Private Sector
Private Sector numeric Private Sector
Total numeric Unnamed Column
unsafe__3 text Unnamed Column
unsafe__4 text Unnamed Column
unsafe__5 text Unnamed Column
unsafe__6 text Unnamed Column
unsafe__7 text Unnamed Column
unsafe__8 text Unnamed Column
unsafe__9 text Unnamed Column
unsafe__10 text Unnamed Column
unsafe__11 text Unnamed Column
unsafe__12 text Unnamed Column