109 datasets found

Regions: Dublin City None: [* TO 2024-7-01T00:00:01Z] Organisations: Dublin City Council

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  • FEATURED Electoral Divisions DCC

    This data contains the Electoral Divisions in the Local Electoral Area.
  • FEATURED Cycle Counts DCC

    Bicycle traffic volumes from cycle counters in Dublin city. Bike counter include one Totem counter (Grove Road) and Eco-Multi counters using Zelt Diamond loop in a number of other locations. Locations include: Drumcondra, Charleville Mall, North Strand Rd, Guild Street,...
  • FEATURED Playing Pitches DCC

    This data set contains the weekly updates on pitch playability in Dublin City Council’s administrative area. It includes the name of the park/location where the playing pitch is situated and the status as ON or OFF....
  • FEATURED Pedestrian Footfall DCC

    Pedestrian footfall counts of people at a number of locations in Dublin city. Passersby are counted and logged every hour, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week using a network of PYRO-Box people counters located throughout central Dublin. Data is provided by Dublin City Council...
  • FEATURED Glass Recycling DCC

    Glass Packaging Recycling from the public bring bank network. Weights are in Tonnes. Please note that the data has been published from 2019 to 2023. The ongoing data for the current month of 2024 will be published as soon as it becomes available. All data is published on a...
  • FEATURED Dublinbikes DCC

    Dublin Bikes is a docked bike-share scheme in Dublin City. This page includes an API developed according to the General Bikeshare Feed Specification (GBFS) (e.g.) information about vehicles, stations, pricing, etc. The current location of the vehicles is updated every minute....
  • FEATURED Thorntons Recycling Data DCC

    Tonnages for street cleaning carried out by Thornton's on behalf of DCC. This data is published monthly and the monthly files are rolled up into an annual file. Please note that the data has been published from 2019 to 2024, except for 2023, which is still under investigation....
  • FEATURED Skateboard Parks DCC

    This dataset provides annual updates on Skateboard parks in Dublin region; encompassing columns such as Tile, Description, Address1 and Address2, NACE Code, Latitude & Longitude, DccAreaNew, CensusSmallArea, ElectoralDivision The dataset was counted as part of the Dublin...

    This dataset provides updates on Tree data in Dublin region; encompassing columns such as ID, Age, Condition, Proximity, Building-Number, Street Area, Stem-Diameter, Spread Height and Species
  • FEATURED Fire Brigade and Ambulance Call Outs DCC

    Fire and Ambulance Annual Incident Activity Log Dublin Fire Brigade (DF) and Ambulance (DA) annual incident activity logs. Fields include date, area of incident (district ID) and response time data. The fields from MOB through to CD are generated by the vehicle (either by...
  • FEATURED Customer service requests log DCC

    Customer service requests Requests for service or complaints received from citizens within the Dublin City Council area that are logged in the Oracle CRM system as a Service Request e.g. public lighting repairs, report problem footpath, illegal dumping, street sweeping,...
  • FEATURED Community Centres DCC

    This dataset provides annual updates on Community Centres in Dublin region; encompassing columns such as Tile, Description, Address1 and Address2, NACE Code, Latitude & Longitude, DccAreaNew, CensusSmallArea, Electoral Division. The dataset was counted as part of the...
  • FEATURED Sport pitches and Facilities DCC

    This dataset provides annual updates on Sport pitches and Facilities in Dublin region; encompassing columns such as Tile, Description, Address1 and Address2, NACE Code, Latitude & Longitude, DccAreaNew, CensusSmallArea, Electoral Division. The dataset was counted as part...
  • FEATURED Museums and Archives DCC

    This dataset provides annual updates on Museums and Archives in Dublin region; encompassing columns such as Tile, Description, Address1 and Address2, NACE Code, Latitude & Longitude, DccAreaNew, CensusSmallArea, Electoral Division. The dataset was counted as part of the...
  • FEATURED Adult Learning Centres DCC

    This dataset provides annual updates on Adult Learning Centre in Dublin region; encompassing columns such as Tile, Description, Address1 and Address2, NACE Code, Latitude & Longitude, DccAreaNew, CensusSmallArea, Electoral Division. The dataset was counted as part of the...
  • FEATURED Road Schedule DCC

    Details on over 4,000 roads within the Dublin City Council(DCC) administrative area. Dataset compiled by DCC Roads Maintenance Services. Details include road name; road class (Regional, Local Primary, Local Secondary and Local Tertiary); Route Number; road segment Code; Local...
  • FEATURED Lord Mayors and Deputy Lord Mayors DCC

    This dataset contains a list of Lord Mayors and Deputy Lord Mayors of Dublin City along with their respective terms of office dating from 1665 to 2024.
  • FEATURED Vacant Sites Register DCC

    The Active Land Management Unit established Dublin City Council’s Vacant Sites Register on 1st January 2017 under the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act, 2015 (as amended) “the Act”. Under the Act each planning authority is required to maintain a ‘Vacant Sites Register’...
  • FEATURED Google Project Air View Data - Dublin City (May 2021 - August 2022)

    This data was collected by Google and Dublin City Council as part of Project Air View Dublin. Google's first electric Street View car equipped with Aclima’s mobile air sensing platform drove through the roads of Dublin City measuring street by street air quality. Driving...
  • Public Bin Locations DCC

    CSV & GeoJSON datasets of DCC's public bin locations.
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).