4 datasets found

Regions: Dublin City Tags: pedestrian-footfall

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  • FEATURED Pedestrian Footfall DCC

    Pedestrian footfall counts of people at a number of locations in Dublin city. Passersby are counted and logged every hour, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week using a network of PYRO-Box people counters located throughout central Dublin. Data is provided by Dublin City Council...
  • FEATURED Pedestrian and Cycle counter API for Dublin Region

    API for the the EcoCounter cycle counters and pedestrian counters in the Dublin region. The sensors update every 15 minutes. The Eco-Visio API enables the development of applications that can interact with Eco-Visio's platform services, such as retrieving counting metadata,...
  • Traffic Counts: Cordon Count, Quays Count DCC

    Every November Dublin City Council (DCC) conducts traffic counts at 33 locations on entry points into the city centre around a 'cordon' formed by the Royal and Grand Canals. As the name suggests, the cordon has been chosen to ensure (as far as possible) that any person...
  • Pedestrian Footfall DCC

    Pedestrian Counters for 2015
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).