Land Use Zoning Objectives South Dublin County Development Plan 2022 to 2028 SDCC
Note, there is an ongoing Judicial Review in relation to one area of zoning which was removed by Ministerial Direction. Further information available here -
DLR Planning Applications
Planning Applications details and spatial data. The Planning applications data are extracted from the APAS Planning system and hold details on the progress of a planning application and it's spatial component where applicable. Output data are provided in the following formats:... -
Community Parks Recreation SDCC
{{description}} -
Bicycle Parking Stands SDCC
Location of bicycle stands within the South Dublin County Council administrative area as of December 2022. This dataset includes the number of senior and junior stands completed / under construction / planned for the future at each location. -
Monthly River Quality Data SDCC
This data represents water quality of a selection of river and stream sites in South Dublin County. The samples are collected at a monthly frequency and are collected by South Dublin County Council staff and analysed by Dublin City Council’s accredited laboratory on Marrowbone... -
Traffic Flow Data Jan to June 2022 SDCC
SDCC Traffic Congestion Saturation Flow Data for January to June 2022. Traffic volumes, traffic saturation, and congestion data for sites across South Dublin County. Used by traffic management to control stage timings on junctions. It is recommended that this dataset is read... -
Community EducationEnterprise FS Hosted
Community GIS - Education & EnterpriseUploaded as hosted feature layer on 19.10.2018 for use in My Doorstep for creating larger icons at larger scales. This is to optimise touch screen user experience. -
Community Sports Youth Centres
New Group Layer -
Multistorey Car Parking Space Availability DCC
Multi storey Car Parking Space Availability. Dublin City Council's 'Live Parking Spaces' service gathers information from car parks around Dublin to show users parking space availability in key car parks in the central Dublin area. Updated every 5 mins. -
Innovative Dublin Startups DCC
A definitive database of innovative companies in Dublin - and Ireland - in partnership with Pivotal Labs. The database will showcase companies, multinationals, investors and startup hubs. -
DLR Playing Pitches
The CSV file contains the games pitches under the control of DLRCoCo. It includes grass and synthetic surfaces. Sports included are GAA, Soccer, Rugby and others. It includes a number, size and its location (Lat/Long). A link to the DLRCoCo pitch playability notice is also...