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Traffic Flow Data Jan to June 2022 SDCC

SDCC Traffic Congestion Saturation Flow Data for January to June 2022. Traffic volumes, traffic saturation, and congestion data for sites across South Dublin County. Used by traffic management to control stage timings on junctions. It is recommended that this dataset is read in conjunction with the ‘Traffic Data Site Names SDCC’ dataset.A detailed description of each column heading can be referenced below;scn: Site Serial numberregion: A group of Nodes that are operated under SCOOT control at the same common cycle time. Normally these will be nodes between which co-ordination is desirable. Some of the nodes may be double cycling at half of the region cycle time.system: SCOOT STC UTC (UTC-MX)locn: Locationssite: Site numbersday: Days of the week Monday to Sunday. Abbreviations; MO,TU,WE,TH,FR,SA, Reflects correct actual Date of when data was collected.start_time: NOTE - Please ignore the date displayed in this column. The actual data collection date is correctly displayed in the 'date' column. The date displayed here is the date of when report was run and extracted from the system, but correctly reflects start time of 15 minute intervals.  end_time: End time of 15 minute intervals.flow: A representation of demand (flow) for each link built up over several minutes by the SCOOT model. SCOOT has two profiles:(1) Short – Raw data representing the actual values over the previous few minutes(2) Long – A smoothed average of values over a longer periodSCOOT will choose to use the appropriate profile depending on a number of factors.flow_pc: Same as above ref PC SCOOTcong: Congestion is directly measured from the detector. If the detector is placed beyond the normal end of queue in the street it is rarely covered by stationary traffic, except of course when congestion occurs. If any detector shows standing traffic for the whole of an interval this is recorded. The number of intervals of congestion in any cycle is also recorded.The percentage congestion is calculated from:No of congested intervals x 4 x 100 cycle time in seconds.This percentage of congestion is available to view and more importantly for the optimisers to take into account.cong_pc: Same as above ref PC SCOOTdsat: The ratio of the demand flow to the maximum possible discharge flow, i.e. it is the ratio of the demand to the discharge rate (Saturation Occupancy) multiplied by the duration of the effective green time. The Split optimiser will try to minimise the maximum degree of saturation on links approaching the node.

About this dataset


South Dublin County Council

South Dublin County Council came into existence on the 1st January 1994. It has an area of 222.74 square kilometres. South Dublin has a population of 265,205 according to the... read more


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As Required


Title Traffic Flow Data Jan to June 2022 SDCC

SDCC Traffic Congestion Saturation Flow Data for January to June 2022. Traffic volumes, traffic saturation, and congestion data for sites across South Dublin County. Used by traffic management to control stage timings on junctions. It is recommended that this dataset is read in conjunction with the ‘Traffic Data Site Names SDCC’ dataset.A detailed description of each column heading can be referenced below;scn: Site Serial numberregion: A group of Nodes that are operated under SCOOT control at the same common cycle time. Normally these will be nodes between which co-ordination is desirable. Some of the nodes may be double cycling at half of the region cycle time.system: SCOOT STC UTC (UTC-MX)locn: Locationssite: Site numbersday: Days of the week Monday to Sunday. Abbreviations; MO,TU,WE,TH,FR,SA, Reflects correct actual Date of when data was collected.start_time: NOTE - Please ignore the date displayed in this column. The actual data collection date is correctly displayed in the 'date' column. The date displayed here is the date of when report was run and extracted from the system, but correctly reflects start time of 15 minute intervals.  end_time: End time of 15 minute intervals.flow: A representation of demand (flow) for each link built up over several minutes by the SCOOT model. SCOOT has two profiles:(1) Short – Raw data representing the actual values over the previous few minutes(2) Long – A smoothed average of values over a longer periodSCOOT will choose to use the appropriate profile depending on a number of factors.flow_pc: Same as above ref PC SCOOTcong: Congestion is directly measured from the detector. If the detector is placed beyond the normal end of queue in the street it is rarely covered by stationary traffic, except of course when congestion occurs. If any detector shows standing traffic for the whole of an interval this is recorded. The number of intervals of congestion in any cycle is also recorded.The percentage congestion is calculated from:No of congested intervals x 4 x 100 cycle time in seconds.This percentage of congestion is available to view and more importantly for the optimisers to take into account.cong_pc: Same as above ref PC SCOOTdsat: The ratio of the demand flow to the maximum possible discharge flow, i.e. it is the ratio of the demand to the discharge rate (Saturation Occupancy) multiplied by the duration of the effective green time. The Split optimiser will try to minimise the maximum degree of saturation on links approaching the node.

Landing Page
Publisher South Dublin County Council
Author South Dublin County Council
Maintainer SDCC GIS Officer
Region South Dublin
Category Transport and Infrastructure
Star Rating
License Creative Commons Attribution
Target NA
Language en
Version NA