FEATURED Customer service requests log DCC
Customer service requests Requests for service or complaints received from citizens within the Dublin City Council area that are logged in the Oracle CRM system as a Service Request e.g. public lighting repairs, report problem footpath, illegal dumping, street sweeping,... -
Log of Litter fines issued DCC
Logging of litter fines This dataset contains a log of the litter fines issued in Dublin City, the location and date of offence and the relevant section of the Bye-Law for the Prevention and Control of Litter -
Fats, Oils & Greases (FOG) Licences Register DCC
Register of all FOG licenses issued to food service establishments This dataset contains a register of all Fats Oils & Greases (FOG) licenses issued to food service establishments in Dublin City. The FOG programme was put in place in 2008 to reduce waste grease discharges... -
Gas Consumption DCC
Gas Consumption List of properties we own or manage and the consumption rate of gas used for each. The dataset contains 4 worksheets based on different service providers. -
Air Pollution Monitoring Data DCC
Air Quality Monitoring Data Dublin City Council measures ambient air quality in Dublin in accordance with Air Quality standards. 'This dataset contains Air Quality Monitoring Data from January to March 2011, consisting five spreadsheets taken from five air monitoring sites... -
Recycling Data DCC
Recycled material weights collected at Dublin City Bring Centres Monthly Weights collected in kgs at Dublin City Council bring centres, including glass, cans, batteries, paper and plastic.