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Weather Stations FCC

Weather Data from Schools across Fingal County Council is been made available on NASA's GLOBE Project online since December 2022Since 2021, schools across Fingal have been receiving automatic weather stations as part of an effort by Fingal County Council to produce more detailed rainfall, wind speed, wind direction and temperature records for the county. The information collected from the weather stations is visible on Met Éireann’s Weather Observations Website, WOW-IE, providing essential real-time weather data to the public and to Met Éireann, the OPW and Fingal County Council’s flood section.  The project began in 2021 with Fingal County Council issuing 100 rainfall gauges to primary schools and further advanced with 27 automatic weather stations installed across Fingal throughout 2022. 

Led by Executive Engineer Kevin Vallely, the project was funded by Fingal County Council’s Chief Executive’s Innovation Fund. The Fund covered the €5,000 start-up cost for rain gauges and provided support to get the innovative idea off the ground.

See this link for live data :

We also have one Lusk/Rush which are monitoring air quality at the moment. To see this data please follow below link.:

About this dataset


Fingal County Council

Fingal County Council came into existence on the 1st January 1994, after the breakup of Dublin City Council into three separate Local Authorities (Fingal Co. Co./South Dublin Co... read more


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As Required


Title Weather Stations FCC

Weather Data from Schools across Fingal County Council is been made available on NASA's GLOBE Project online since December 2022Since 2021, schools across Fingal have been receiving automatic weather stations as part of an effort by Fingal County Council to produce more detailed rainfall, wind speed, wind direction and temperature records for the county. The information collected from the weather stations is visible on Met Éireann’s Weather Observations Website, WOW-IE, providing essential real-time weather data to the public and to Met Éireann, the OPW and Fingal County Council’s flood section.  The project began in 2021 with Fingal County Council issuing 100 rainfall gauges to primary schools and further advanced with 27 automatic weather stations installed across Fingal throughout 2022. 

Led by Executive Engineer Kevin Vallely, the project was funded by Fingal County Council’s Chief Executive’s Innovation Fund. The Fund covered the €5,000 start-up cost for rain gauges and provided support to get the innovative idea off the ground.

See this link for live data :

We also have one Lusk/Rush which are monitoring air quality at the moment. To see this data please follow below link.:

Landing Page
Publisher Fingal County Council
Author Fingal County Council
Maintainer Fingal Admin
Region Fingal
Category Environment and Energy
Star Rating
License CC-BY-4.0
Target NA
Language en
Version NA