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Enterprise Centers FCC

Location of Fingal Enterprise Centre's (Innovation Centre's) including contact information.Fingal County Council supports start-up businesses at it's Enterprise Centre's. The Centre’s provide:Enterprise units for new and existing businessesCustomised training servicesInformation and adviceBusiness plan and feasibility study developmentNetworking opportunitiesBook keeping and secretarial servicesBroadband and IT systemsMeeting roomsFulltime receptionAll three Enterprise Center's have an 90% Occupancy and they all have spaces available of start up business. Fingal Connected Hubs one stop shop for Remote working hubs throughout Ireland are working in Fingal three Enterprise Centre's  with a daily rate or block rate

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Fingal County Council

Fingal County Council came into existence on the 1st January 1994, after the breakup of Dublin City Council into three separate Local Authorities (Fingal Co. Co./South Dublin Co... read more


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Title Enterprise Centers FCC

Location of Fingal Enterprise Centre's (Innovation Centre's) including contact information.Fingal County Council supports start-up businesses at it's Enterprise Centre's. The Centre’s provide:Enterprise units for new and existing businessesCustomised training servicesInformation and adviceBusiness plan and feasibility study developmentNetworking opportunitiesBook keeping and secretarial servicesBroadband and IT systemsMeeting roomsFulltime receptionAll three Enterprise Center's have an 90% Occupancy and they all have spaces available of start up business. Fingal Connected Hubs one stop shop for Remote working hubs throughout Ireland are working in Fingal three Enterprise Centre's  with a daily rate or block rate

Landing Page
Publisher Fingal County Council
Author Fingal County Council
Maintainer Fingal Admin
Region Fingal
Category Population and Communities
Star Rating
License CC-BY-4.0
Target NA
Language en
Version NA