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Planning Applications2 FCC

Current Planning and Archieve for last 7 years For each Planning Application record the data includes - (i) Planning_Reference - unique reference number for the application (ii) Description - description of what is being applied for (iii) Location (iv) Current_Status - one of 4 values : 'Decided' (a decision has been made on the application); 'On Appeal' (a decision has been made on the application but has been appealed to An Bord Pleanala); 'Pending' (a decision has not yet been made on the application); 'Invalid or Withdrawn' (the application is invalid or has been withdrawn by the applicant) (v) More_Information - a link to the online application record on Fingal County Council's website (vi) Registration_Date - date the application was registered (vii) Decision_Date - date the application decision was made (viii)Lat & (ix) Long - the co-ordinates for the application.Date Range Updated Weekly and Historic Applications 7yrs 

About this dataset


Fingal County Council

Fingal County Council came into existence on the 1st January 1994, after the breakup of Dublin City Council into three separate Local Authorities (Fingal Co. Co./South Dublin Co... read more


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Update Frequency

Every 5 Minutes


Title Planning Applications2 FCC

Current Planning and Archieve for last 7 years For each Planning Application record the data includes - (i) Planning_Reference - unique reference number for the application (ii) Description - description of what is being applied for (iii) Location (iv) Current_Status - one of 4 values : 'Decided' (a decision has been made on the application); 'On Appeal' (a decision has been made on the application but has been appealed to An Bord Pleanala); 'Pending' (a decision has not yet been made on the application); 'Invalid or Withdrawn' (the application is invalid or has been withdrawn by the applicant) (v) More_Information - a link to the online application record on Fingal County Council's website (vi) Registration_Date - date the application was registered (vii) Decision_Date - date the application decision was made (viii)Lat & (ix) Long - the co-ordinates for the application.Date Range Updated Weekly and Historic Applications 7yrs 

Landing Page
Publisher Fingal County Council
Author Fingal County Council
Maintainer Fingal Admin
Region Fingal
Category Environment and Energy
Star Rating
License CC-BY-4.0
Target NA
Language en
Version NA