Rainfall monitoring from Greater Dublin Area Telemetry System DCC
This dataset measures the amount of rainfall (mm) in five minute intervals at nine rain gauge stations in the Greater Dublin Area. This dataset measures the amount of rainfall (mm) that falls weekly in five minute intervals at nine rain gauge stations in the Greater Dublin Area. 'The dataset contains information fields on location of Outstation (OS_NAME), Point name of raingauge (PT_NAME), interval between readings (Timebase, Derivation), Timedate (Timestamp), Reading in mimilmetres (Value) and an additional field for manual input of reading in case of rain gauge error (Manual).'The outstation code names (also available in text file) are as follows:'BME_TW, Ballymore Eustace'RWD_TW, Roundwood'B_BREENA, Boharnebreena'BMUN_DR, Ballymun Road'CHAPELIZ, Cjhapelizod'GRNGE_PS, Grange Road'RING_MLS, Ringsend Main Lift Station'UCD_SMD, University College Dublin'MOBILE_R, currently located at Civic Offices