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Green Schools 2024 FCC

An Taisce, in co-operation with the Local Authorities, run the national Green Schools 9-flag program. Schools carry out a number of tasks, run educational programs and environmental projects which are incorporated into everyday school-life. The themes are:Litter & Waste ,Energy, Water, Travel, Biodiversity, Global Citizenship Litter & Waste, Global Citizenship Energy ,Global Citizenship Marine Environment, Global Citizenship TravelThere are 145 schools in Fingal registered as active in the An Taisce Green Schools Program. Got to for more information on Green Schools Programme details.. Fingal County Council invests in a number of school projects every year.Each flag has to be maintained as the school progresses towards the new flags. Fingal County Council assists the schools by providing information and support and environmental presentations to the students. In Feb/ March we also carry out all the Green Flag Assessments.We congratulate all the schools on their efforts – the green schools coordinators and committees, the teachers and students and caretakers and all involved put in a lot of work to make this possible.

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Fingal County Council

Fingal County Council came into existence on the 1st January 1994, after the breakup of Dublin City Council into three separate Local Authorities (Fingal Co. Co./South Dublin Co... read more


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Title Green Schools 2024 FCC

An Taisce, in co-operation with the Local Authorities, run the national Green Schools 9-flag program. Schools carry out a number of tasks, run educational programs and environmental projects which are incorporated into everyday school-life. The themes are:Litter & Waste ,Energy, Water, Travel, Biodiversity, Global Citizenship Litter & Waste, Global Citizenship Energy ,Global Citizenship Marine Environment, Global Citizenship TravelThere are 145 schools in Fingal registered as active in the An Taisce Green Schools Program. Got to for more information on Green Schools Programme details.. Fingal County Council invests in a number of school projects every year.Each flag has to be maintained as the school progresses towards the new flags. Fingal County Council assists the schools by providing information and support and environmental presentations to the students. In Feb/ March we also carry out all the Green Flag Assessments.We congratulate all the schools on their efforts – the green schools coordinators and committees, the teachers and students and caretakers and all involved put in a lot of work to make this possible.

Landing Page
Publisher Fingal County Council
Author Fingal County Council
Maintainer Fingal Admin
Region Fingal
Category Environment and Energy
Star Rating
License CC-BY-4.0
Target NA
Language en
Version NA