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Traffic Volumes from SCATS Traffic Management System Jan-Jun 2024 DCC

Traffic volumes data across Dublin City from the SCATS traffic management system. The Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) is an intelligent transportation system used to manage timing of signal phases at traffic signals. SCATS uses sensors at each traffic signal to detect vehicle presence in each lane and pedestrians waiting to cross at the local site. The vehicle sensors are generally inductive loops installed within the road.

3 resources are provided:

SCATS Traffic Volumes Data (Monthly) Contained in this report are traffic counts taken from the SCATS traffic detectors located at junctions. The primary function for these traffic detectors is for traffic signal control. Such devices can also count general traffic volumes at defined locations on approach to a junction. These devices are set at specific locations on approaches to the junction but may not be on all approaches to a junction. As there are multiple junctions on any one route, it could be expected that a vehicle would be counted multiple times as it progress along the route. Thus the traffic volume counts here are best used to represent trends in vehicle movement by selecting a specific junction on the route which best represents the overall traffic flows.

Information provided:

End Time: time that one hour count period finishes.

Region: location of the detector site (e.g. North City, West City, etc).

Site: this can be matched with the SCATS Sites file to show location

Detector: the detectors/ sensors at each site are numbered

Sum volume: total traffic volumes in preceding hour

Avg volume: average traffic volumes per 5 minute interval in preceding hour

All Dates Traffic Volumes Data

This file contains daily totals of traffic flow at each site location.

SCATS Site Location Data Contained in this report, the location data for the SCATS sites is provided. The meta data provided includes the following;

Site id – This is a unique identifier for each junction on SCATS

Site description( CAP) – Descriptive location of the junction containing street name(s) intersecting streets

Site description (lower) - – Descriptive location of the junction containing street name(s) intersecting streets

Region – The area of the city, adjoining local authority, region that the site is located

LAT/LONG – Coordinates

Disclaimer: the location files are regularly updated to represent the locations of SCATS sites under the control of Dublin City Council. However site accuracy is not absolute. Information for LAT/LONG and region may not be available for all sites contained. It is at the discretion of the user to link the files for analysis and to create further data. Furthermore, detector communication issues or faulty detectors could also result in an inaccurate result for a given period, so values should not be taken as absolute but can be used to indicate trends.

About this dataset


Dublin City Council

The authority responsible for local government in the city of Dublin read more


Created on


Last updated


Date range

2024-01-01 - 2024-06-30

Update Frequency

As Required


Title Traffic Volumes from SCATS Traffic Management System Jan-Jun 2024 DCC

Traffic volumes data across Dublin City from the SCATS traffic management system. The Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) is an intelligent transportation system used to manage timing of signal phases at traffic signals. SCATS uses sensors at each traffic signal to detect vehicle presence in each lane and pedestrians waiting to cross at the local site. The vehicle sensors are generally inductive loops installed within the road.

3 resources are provided:

SCATS Traffic Volumes Data (Monthly) Contained in this report are traffic counts taken from the SCATS traffic detectors located at junctions. The primary function for these traffic detectors is for traffic signal control. Such devices can also count general traffic volumes at defined locations on approach to a junction. These devices are set at specific locations on approaches to the junction but may not be on all approaches to a junction. As there are multiple junctions on any one route, it could be expected that a vehicle would be counted multiple times as it progress along the route. Thus the traffic volume counts here are best used to represent trends in vehicle movement by selecting a specific junction on the route which best represents the overall traffic flows.

Information provided:

End Time: time that one hour count period finishes.

Region: location of the detector site (e.g. North City, West City, etc).

Site: this can be matched with the SCATS Sites file to show location

Detector: the detectors/ sensors at each site are numbered

Sum volume: total traffic volumes in preceding hour

Avg volume: average traffic volumes per 5 minute interval in preceding hour

All Dates Traffic Volumes Data

This file contains daily totals of traffic flow at each site location.

SCATS Site Location Data Contained in this report, the location data for the SCATS sites is provided. The meta data provided includes the following;

Site id – This is a unique identifier for each junction on SCATS

Site description( CAP) – Descriptive location of the junction containing street name(s) intersecting streets

Site description (lower) - – Descriptive location of the junction containing street name(s) intersecting streets

Region – The area of the city, adjoining local authority, region that the site is located

LAT/LONG – Coordinates

Disclaimer: the location files are regularly updated to represent the locations of SCATS sites under the control of Dublin City Council. However site accuracy is not absolute. Information for LAT/LONG and region may not be available for all sites contained. It is at the discretion of the user to link the files for analysis and to create further data. Furthermore, detector communication issues or faulty detectors could also result in an inaccurate result for a given period, so values should not be taken as absolute but can be used to indicate trends.

Landing Page
Publisher Dublin City Council
Author Dublin City Council
Maintainer Dublin City Council
Region Dublin City and County
Category Transport and Infrastructure
Star Rating
License Creative Commons Attribution
Target NA
Language en
Version NA