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Vacant Sites Register FCC

Under the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015, each Local Authority will have to compile a Register of Lands in it's Area that are suitable for Housing, but are not coming forward for development. On January 1st 2017, these registers were established and vacant site levy is payable from January2019 onwards.This contains the details of our vacant site in 2023 for Fingal County Council.

About this dataset


Fingal County Council

Fingal County Council came into existence on the 1st January 1994, after the breakup of Dublin City Council into three separate Local Authorities (Fingal Co. Co./South Dublin Co... read more


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Last updated



Title Vacant Sites Register FCC

Under the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015, each Local Authority will have to compile a Register of Lands in it's Area that are suitable for Housing, but are not coming forward for development. On January 1st 2017, these registers were established and vacant site levy is payable from January2019 onwards.This contains the details of our vacant site in 2023 for Fingal County Council.

Landing Page
Publisher Fingal County Council
Author Fingal County Council
Maintainer Fingal Admin
Region Fingal
Category Planning and Land Use
Star Rating
License CC-BY-4.0
Target NA
Language en
Version NA