FEATURED Dublin Canvas Public Art DCC
Dublin Canvas is a public art initiative that adds colour throughout the Dublin region. Artists apply for and win commissions to design and deliver their art pieces on previously grey traffic control boxes. There are 628 boxes located throughout Dublin's four local authority... -
Public Bin Locations DCC
CSV & GeoJSON datasets of DCC's public bin locations. -
Bleeper is a licensed dockless bike-share scheme within the Dublin region. This page includes an API developed according to the General Bikeshare Feed Specification (GBFS) (e.g.) information about vehicles, stations, pricing, etc. The current location of the vehicles is... -
Moby Bikes bikeshare
Moby is a licensed dockless bike-share scheme within the Dublin region. This page includes an API developed according to the General Bikeshare Feed Specification (GBFS) (e.g.) information about vehicles, stations, pricing, etc. The current location of the vehicles is updated... -
Accessible Parking Spaces DCC
Accessible Parking Spaces on roads and streets. This dataset outlines the disabled parking bays on streets and roads within the Dublin City Council administrative area. Fields include an street name, location and location coordinates for some 501 'General' accessible parking... -
Administrative Areas DCC
Dublin City Council is divided into 5 Local Administrative Areas (North West, North Central, Central, South Central and South East) which are used to coordinate the delivery of services into local communities. Each Area Committee deals with operational matters such as road... -
Public Lighting DCC
Street Lighting This dataset is extracted from Dublin City Council's street lights management system and consists of public lighting assets in the Dublin City Council administrative area regardless of full asset ownership (Dublin City Council, ESBN and LUAS assets are... -
Drinking Water Fountains DCC
Locations of public drinking water fountains provided by South Dublin County, Fingal County and Dublin City Councils across the Dublin Region. Water Stations Ireland are contracted to provide the smart water fountains which also measure usage, consumption, etc and communicate... -
Traffic Poles with CCTV DCC
Location of 241 CCTV traffic poles within Dublin City Council administrative area. This dataset contains Road_1, Latitude and Longitude values. -
Public Cycle Parking Stands DCC
Locations of bicycle parking stands. Bike racks are located throughout the Dublin City Council area. Data provided by Dublin City Council Transportation department in September 2022 to cover new and existing bike parking infrastructure. CAVEAT: this listing has not been... -
Parking Meters location tariffs and zones in DCC
Transport and Infrasutcture Parking meters for Dublin City. Includes location, code, No of spaces per street (PD-Pay and Display D Disc Parking), exact location, data install, tariff (cost per hour), nearest location of pay and display, clearway, if clearway conditions in... -
Public Toilets DCC
Dataset of Dublin City Council public toilets in the Dublin City Council administrative area. Data fields include location description, opening hours and coordinates. Listing created May 2021. For further details see: https://www.dublincity.ie/publictoilets -
Coach Parking DCC
This dataset and map indicate locations of 117 coach parking bays in the Dublin City Council administrative area. The dataset includes GPS coordinates and the number of coach/ bus parking spaces available at each location. Dublin City Council has introduced fees for coach... -
Telecoms Underground Infrastructure DCC
Dataset includes: • Citywide underground telecoms ducting in the ownership of Dublin City Council excl. dedicated traffic ducting • Docklands underground telecoms ducting in the ownership of Dublin City Council • Docklands telecoms chambers in the ownership of Dublin... -
Journey times across Dublin City, from Traffic Department's TRIPS system DCC
Journey times Journey times across Dublin City, from DCC's TRIPS system, in csv format.''Journey times are supplied on a number of routes across the city (trips.csv). Each route consists of a number of links, each link is a pair of georeferenced Traffic Control Sites... -
DCC Development Plan 2016-2022
Geospatial layers from Dublin City Council Development Plan 2016-2022 in ITM projection (https://www.dublincity.ie/dublin-city-development-plan-2016-2022) : • Zoning • Architectural Conservation Areas (ACAs) • Strategic Development Zones (SDZs) • Strategic Development... -
Dublin Fire Brigade Stations: Dublin Region
Dublin Fire Brigade Stations located throughout the Dublin Region. Data includes: DFB Station Name, Address, Callsign ID and location coordinates. Dataset created December 2021. -
Noise maps from traffic sources in DCC
Road Source Noise Model The dataset contains the noise model results for the Dublin Region showing population exposure to sound from traffic sources. The noise maps show colour coded areas in Dublin based on sound levels in 5 bands. These increment in 5 decibels. The night... -
Variable Message Signs DCC
Location of 31 Variable Message Signs (VMS) within Dublin City Council administrative area. This dataset contains information about VMS Equipment Id, Location Name, Latitude and Longitude. -
Libraries DCC
A list of libraries in the Dublin City Council administrative area. The dataset includes location, website address, and phone numbers. The libraries were counted as part of the Dublin City Cultural Audit and they can also be found on Culture Near You, the online map of culture...