Bicycle traffic volumes from cycle counters in Dublin city. Bike counter include one Totem counter (Grove Road) and Eco-Multi counters using Zelt Diamond loop in a number of other locations. Locations include: Drumcondra, Charleville Mall, North Strand Rd, Guild Street,... -
FEATURED Traffic Volumes from SCATS Traffic Management System Jan-Jun 2023 DCC
Traffic volumes data across Dublin City from the SCATS traffic management system. The Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) is an intelligent transportation system used to manage timing of signal phases at traffic signals. SCATS uses sensors at each traffic signal... -
Traffic Volumes from SCATS Traffic Management System Jan-Jun 2024 DCC
Traffic volumes data across Dublin City from the SCATS traffic management system. The Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) is an intelligent transportation system used to manage timing of signal phases at traffic signals. SCATS uses sensors at each traffic signal... -
Traffic Volumes from SCATS Traffic Management System Jul-Dec 2024 DCC
Traffic volumes data across Dublin City from the SCATS traffic management system. The Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) is an intelligent transportation system used to manage timing of signal phases at traffic signals. SCATS uses sensors at each traffic signal... -
Traffic Counts: Cordon Count, Quays Count DCC
Every November Dublin City Council (DCC) conducts traffic counts at 33 locations on entry points into the city centre around a 'cordon' formed by the Royal and Grand Canals. As the name suggests, the cordon has been chosen to ensure (as far as possible) that any person... -
Traffic Volumes from SCATS Traffic Management System Jan-Jun 2022 DCC
Traffic volumes data across Dublin City from the SCATS traffic management system. The Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) is an intelligent transportation system used to manage timing of signal phases at traffic signals. SCATS uses sensors at each traffic signal... -
Traffic Volumes from SCATS Traffic Management System Jul-Dec 2023 DCC
Traffic volumes data across Dublin City from the SCATS traffic management system. The Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) is an intelligent transportation system used to manage timing of signal phases at traffic signals. SCATS uses sensors at each traffic signal... -
Traffic Volumes from SCATS Traffic Management System Jul-Dec 2022 DCC
Traffic volumes data across Dublin City from the SCATS traffic management system. The Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) is an intelligent transportation system used to manage timing of signal phases at traffic signals. SCATS uses sensors at each traffic signal... -
Traffic Volumes from SCATS Traffic Management System Jan-Jun 2021 DCC
Traffic volumes data across Dublin City from the SCATS traffic management system. The Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) is an intelligent transportation system used to manage timing of signal phases at traffic signals. SCATS uses sensors at each traffic signal... -
Traffic Volumes from SCATS Traffic Management System Jul-Dec 2020 DCC
Traffic volumes data across Dublin City from the SCATS traffic management system. The Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) is an intelligent transportation system used to manage timing of signal phases at traffic signals. SCATS uses sensors at each traffic signal... -
Traffic Volumes from SCATS Traffic Management System Jul-Dec 2021 DCC
Traffic volumes data across Dublin City from the SCATS traffic management system. The Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) is an intelligent transportation system used to manage timing of signal phases at traffic signals. SCATS uses sensors at each traffic signal... -
Volume Data Jan- May 2013 for Dublin City, from Traffic Department's SCATS System DCC
Volume data across Dublin City, from DCC s SCATS system, in csv format. The volume data is aggregated over 5 minute intervals for each approach into an instrumented intersection. There are separate files for each region (CCITY, SCITY, NCITY, WCITY) and for each day. See... -
Traffic Volumes- City Centre Bridges Count Data 2007-2010 DCC
Annual Traffic counts and turning data for all modes of transport at 26 locations in the city centre This dataset contains the results of the annual traffic counts conducted during the month of May each year, at twenty-six locations were selected along the Liffey Bridges... -
Traffic Volumes from SCATS Traffic Management System Jan-Jun 2020 DCC
Traffic volumes data across Dublin City from the SCATS traffic management system. The Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) is an intelligent transportation system used to manage timing of signal phases at traffic signals. SCATS uses sensors at each traffic signal...