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Casual Trading Licences FCC

The Castleknock/Mulhuddart Operations Department are currently in the process of renewing Casual Trading applications for 2024/2025. The licenses. There has been significant interest to date in a variety of pitches for coffee, ice-cream, hot food, and flowers at burial grounds and applications are being processed accordingly. 

Fingal County Council has designated Casual Trading Areas under the Casual Trading Byelaws 2021 which allows for the sale of specified goods at a place (including a public road) to which the public have access as of right and any other place that is a designated Casual Trading Area. 

The Casual Trading Bye-laws cover the control, regulation, supervision and administration of casual trading in the Fingal area. The standard period for Casual Trading Licence applications has closed on the 26th February 2024 for trading period 2024/2025. New applications will now be accepted only on a case by case basis. Successful applicants will be required to pay the full annual fee with the licences running until 28th February 2025.

Renewals will be granted at the end of this period at the discretion of Fingal County Council.  Applications will only be accepted for available pitches. Accepted applications will be granted on a first come first serve

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Fingal County Council

Fingal County Council came into existence on the 1st January 1994, after the breakup of Dublin City Council into three separate Local Authorities (Fingal Co. Co./South Dublin Co... read more


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Title Casual Trading Licences FCC

The Castleknock/Mulhuddart Operations Department are currently in the process of renewing Casual Trading applications for 2024/2025. The licenses. There has been significant interest to date in a variety of pitches for coffee, ice-cream, hot food, and flowers at burial grounds and applications are being processed accordingly. 

Fingal County Council has designated Casual Trading Areas under the Casual Trading Byelaws 2021 which allows for the sale of specified goods at a place (including a public road) to which the public have access as of right and any other place that is a designated Casual Trading Area. 

The Casual Trading Bye-laws cover the control, regulation, supervision and administration of casual trading in the Fingal area. The standard period for Casual Trading Licence applications has closed on the 26th February 2024 for trading period 2024/2025. New applications will now be accepted only on a case by case basis. Successful applicants will be required to pay the full annual fee with the licences running until 28th February 2025.

Renewals will be granted at the end of this period at the discretion of Fingal County Council.  Applications will only be accepted for available pitches. Accepted applications will be granted on a first come first serve

Landing Page
Publisher Fingal County Council
Author Fingal County Council
Maintainer Fingal Admin
Region Fingal
Category Transport and Infrastructure
Star Rating
License CC-BY-4.0
Target NA
Language en
Version NA