Taxi Ranks DCC
Taxi stands located within the Dublin City Council administrative area, per the Street Service Vehicles (Taxi) Bye-Laws 2015 which came into effect November 2015. The files contain information including descriptive locations, the number of spaces available per stand, the position of spaces and the hours of operation. There are four separate files incorporating different taxi stand types: SCHEDULE 1 - PERMANENT APPOINTED STANDS, SCHEDULE 2 - EVENING AND NIGHT TIME APPOINTED STANDS, SCHEDULE 3 - OCCASIONAL APPOINTED STANDS, SCHEDULE 4 - MAIN AND SUBSIDIARY APPOINTED STANDS.
Caveat: The dataset are locations as agreed by the Dublin City Council in 2015. Changes to these since that time are temporary and will be finalised and updated following the next review of the bye-laws.
The original taxi Bye-laws can be accessed at: